Colorado Public Lands Day

By Ruthie Boyd, Sheep Mountain Alliance

This Saturday is Colorado Public Lands Day. Spring is blooming around us, and the days are slowly filling with sun as we begin to welcome summer in the San Juans. Dry trails, blue skies and summer nights await as the snow melts from the mountain tops and fills our rivers with water. The beauty of the changing seasons serves as a valiant reminder just how important it is to protect these landscapes we cherish.

On Saturday, we will celebrate the existing 43 state parks, 350 state wildlife areas and 8.3 million acres of public lands that exist in our state, but we also must remember the importance of continuing to advocate for public lands protection. Just a few weeks ago, the Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act (CORE Act) received a 10-10 vote in a Senate committee hearing, setting the stage for a future call-up to the U.S. Senate, and hopefully a pathway towards law. The CORE Act would protect over 400,000 acres of public land in Colorado and would include a Special Management Area for Sheep Mountain, whose treed slopes hold not only the history of Sheep Mountain Alliance but represent an integral part of our local landscape and our history. We’ve fought for public land before, and we must continue to stand up for the resources that we love.

There are so many ways to show our appreciation for wild places every day, and especially for Colorado Public Lands Day. This Saturday, consider taking a moment to enjoy the immense outdoor access in the San Juans. Learn about climate news, visit and get involved.

Mason Osgood