Take Action!
Sheep Mountain Alliance is a strong believer in grassroots activism. Take a look at what we’re working on, and make your voice heard.
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Reform
We’re working with local groups to advocate for cleaner and cheaper energy through our local co-op of San Miguel Power Association. Transition away from coal, higher limits for renewable energy, and cheaper power are our priorities. YOU can advocate for Tri-State to include more renewable sources in their forthcoming update to their Electric Resource Plan! Stay tuned to learn more.
Visit the Tri-State Reform Website to learn more.
The Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy Act (CORE) stands to expand protection 61,000 acres of public land in the San Juan Mountains. Write to our senators and urge them to take action on this momentous public lands bill in the community supported public lands bill. Have a CORE Act story to share? Click HERE
Photo Credit-Mason Cummings-Wilderness Society.
Protecting the Dolores River Canyons
The Dolores River Canyons are some of the most spectacular unprotected landscapes in Colorado. Alongside the Protect the Dolores Coalition, SMA is advocating for their permanent protection through legislative action. Learn more about the Coalition here, and contact your representatives to let them know you support permanent protections for the Dolores River Canyons!
Photo Credit- Ruthie Boyd
Reach Your Representatives
Whether you live in San Miguel County, or along the Western Slope, contacting your representatives to advocate for issues you care about is the best way to make your voice heard. Check out their contact information below:
“Action on behalf of life transforms”
Here’s what else SMA is focused on:
San Miguel County Mining Land Use Codes
Outdated land use codes in San Miguel County continue to allow mining operations in the West End of the county to be permitted with less oversight than the construction of a new playground. We’re advocating for stronger land use codes for more responsible oversight and regulation on uranium mining in San Miguel County. Check out our comment guide here.
Telluride Recreation Planning
The USFS Norwood Ranger District and Telluride Mountain Club have proposed several new trails in the Telluride Region. Read up on the proposal here. We’re focused on creating a balance between recreation and conservation that considers potential impacts to elk habitat as well as added value for trail users.
Dolores River National Conservation Area
SMA is currently part of a region-wide coalition of partners advocating for a National Conservation Area on Dolores River. An NCA designation would protect the river for years to come, allowing future generations to enjoy the essential services and recreational opportunities it provides. Learn about the NCA here.
BLM Gunnison Sage Grouse Amendment
The BLM recently underwent a multi-office resource management plan amendment for Gunnison Sage Grouse. The updated Resource Management Plan includes a new Area of Critical Environmental Concern in San Miguel County at Dry Creek Basin. We remain focused on advocating for federal designations for increased protection of occupied and unoccupied GuSG habitat across the Western Slope.