Latinx Nordic Ski Days a Success

Sheep Mountain Alliance, Telluride Nordic Association, Wilkinson Public Library and Tri-County Health Network host free Nordic ski day


At Sheep Mountain Alliance, we value equity in the outdoors. In order to create spaces and provide opportunities for our Latinx community members to partake in outdoor activities, we began our Latinx Engagement Initiative in 2017. A pillar of the program is our Latinx Nordic Ski Days.

In February and March, we held two Nordic Ski Days in Town Park. Along with Tri-County Health Network and the Wilkinson Public Library, we advertised the events to a wide range of community members. At our second event on March 6, over 20 community members attended! It was a beautiful and snowy afternoon, and despite the snow, there were nothing but smiles and laughter echoing through the park. There is something incredibly exciting about being part of someone’s first few experiences of Nordic skiing, and we are grateful for the donation of skis, poles, and boots to make this possible.

Once again, we would like to extend our gratitude to all of TNA, and especially to Andrea who was so helpful in assisting us with the coordination and implementation of these events.

We look forward to continuing to partner with TNA, CAFI, TCHN and the Wilkinson Public Library.

Sheep Mountain Alliance

Mason Osgood